Lost Lands of Sol

Only 0/600 left!
0.55 SOL

John Donne

And now good morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love, all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room, an every where.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,
Let Maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown,
Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.


LOST LANDS is an NFT collection of procedurally generated historical maps from other worlds. Available exclusively on Solana.


Each map is distinct. Voronoi math and procedural generation techniques are used to create rivers, cities, coastlines and territories exclusive to each minted NFT. Through the use of Natural Language Generation, each also has its own language.



Distinguishing elements such as borders, paper types and crests have different levels of rarity to create a hierarchy of exclusivity.


Each world will grow and deepen. Poetry, ship-logs and travel will soon be available as exclusive drops to land owners.

Lands Token


Early owners will be Airdropped 100,000 LANDS tokens, which will be used for trading between Lost Lands and will act as a governance token when the DAO launches.

NFT Airdrops

The first airdrop will be a Wall Art mint that depicts the owner's land as hangable wall art.


Decentralized and Detailed

Each NFT includes detailed metadata on the cities, territories and rarity items. The metadata and image (png) are stored on the arweave permaweb so you will have the NFT assets long after the cartographer dies.

Solana Logo
ARweave Logo

Who Are We?

John Donne, 1633

We are artists, excited by the idea that anyone can own art and that artists can make a living from their work. The ability to create artistic systems is a beautiful concept that challenges the artist to distill their intent into a beautiful expression that can replicate that intent thousands of times. We are thrilled to not only create art, but also create worlds. Worlds that become a springboard for others. We will fully dox if the community demands it.

Expected Rarity List

This is not the final rarity sheet. It is an approximation.

33.6% Mercador
32.8% al-Idrisi
32.4% Ortelius
1.2% Royal
Paper Type
34.08% Mercador
32.66% al-Idrisi
32.24% Ortelius
1.02% Royal
0.86% Mercador
32.84% al-Idrisi
32.8% Ortelius
32.5% Royal
80.54% None
9.78% Sun
9.68% Classic
Nation State
39.52% Republic of
20.42% Kingdom of
10.22% Peoples Republic of
9.54% Commonwealth of
5.58% Principality of
5.46% Union of the
4.66% Plurinational State of
4.60% Federative Republic of

Road Map

December 7 - December 14, 2021

Pre-sale: Limited edition for Discord members

Release of 100 maps. 0.5 SOL

December 16, 2021

Public Mint Batch 1: Cartographer's Mint

First public mint of 600 maps. 0.55 SOL

January, 2022

Public Mint Batch 2: Explorer's Mint

Second public mint of 1000 maps. 0.65 SOL

2022 Q1

Public Mint Final Batch: Discovery Mint

Final public mint of 3000 maps. 0.75 SOL

2022 Q1

Listing on Secondary Market

Solanart, Solsea, Magic Eden

2022 Q1

Rarity Listing on HowRare.is

How rare is your Solana NFT?

2022 Q1

50% Sold - Airdrop of 100,000 LANDS tokens

After 50% of the lands have been minted, 100,000 LANDS tokens will be airdropped for each NFT.

2022 Q1 - 2022 Q2

100% Sold - Airdrop of 25,000 LANDS tokens

After 100% of the lands have been minted, 25,000 LANDS tokens will be airdropped for each NFT.

2022 Q1

Wall Art Mint

Beautiful procedurally generated coastlines fit to frame.

2022 Q1

Expansion: Poetic Voyages

Poetry and ship logs, unique to each land will be airdropped to map holders.

2022 Q2

Expansion: Vista

Procedurally generated views of the coastline as seen from ship at sea and unique to each land will be airdropped to map holders.

2022 Q3

Discovery: Ships

Procedurally generated ships, unique to each land will be airdropped to map holders.

2022 Q4

Discovery: Voyages

The metaverse/multiverse becomes navicable. Map holders will be able to visit the lands of other map holders using their ships. Social interaction and trade will open up new trade routes and experiences.


Who are we?

We are artists, excited by the idea that anyone can own art and that artists can make a living from their work. The ability to create artistic systems is a beautiful concept that challenges the artist to distill their intent into a beautiful expression that can replicate that intent thousands of times. We are thrilled to not only create art, but also create worlds. Worlds that become a springboard for others.

When is the official launch date?

Public minting is set to begin on December 16th, 2021

How much will it cost to mint a Lost Land?

Pre-sale 0.5 SOL, Public batch 1: 0.55 SOL, Public batch 2: 0.6 SOL

If there are 5,000 lands, how many cities and territories are there?

There are a staggering 60,543 cities and 22,583 territories in the full mint!

Is there a rarity system?

Yes. Even though each map is completely unique, elements such as borders, paper types and crests have different levels of rarity.

How can I view my lands?

Once minted, simply go into your wallet to view your NFTs. If you don't have a wallet, we recommend Phantom or Solflare!

What are LANDS tokens and what are they used for?

LANDS tokens will be used for exchanging items between lands in the metaverse. They will also act as governance tokens when the DAO is launched.

As Seen On